Monday, 15 October 2012

The Value of Knowing Your Audience: Kicking Social Network Goals

Over the last few weeks my posts have been specifically geared towards possible E2 strategies for Brisbane Airport as part of a larger group assignment on this case study. Today I'll cover the final topic of social networking sites (SNS), providing you with my last engagement strategy, and neatly tying off the overall goals and benefits of utilising a versatile enterprise 2.0 blueprint.

A quick recap for those of you who may have missed the earlier posts. My analysis began by addressing ways in which BAC could take advantage of the time suck, also known as airport downtime; through a unique and engaging blogging strategy.

Following on from this, I looked at the possible uses for collaborative tools such as wikis. I discovered a variety of areas back of house such as the streamlining of internal procedures, staff training, HR, and B2B customer service that could all benefit, reducing turnarounds, email overload and fostering faster innovation.

Now its time to investigate where SNS fit into our plan to make our case study a successful enterprise 2.0.

Why do we need it? 

Utilising social networks is key to the success of corporations in today's society. SNS are a significant part of internet users digital lifestyles, providing them with an outlet to voice opinions, values and establish a digital identity. Having a social ground for consumers to interact with your brand; positively or negatively, creates a polylogical channel of communication(Harrington, S. 2011) that builds trust and creates stronger, more valuable relationships, while harnessing the collective intelligence of the network.

Mapping the social network structure:

Gladwell (2000), Outlines the key influencers, or 'agents of change' in social networks:

  • Connecters 
  • Mavens 
  • Salesman

 In the context of the travel industry, airlines have started to break down their audiences into these categories in order to better target the key players within their audience. Simpliflying has found that although the largest percentage of users are purely spectators, there is a healthy group of connecters and mavens producing content, commenting and sharing on airline social media outlets. It is also interesting to note that those associated with a specific airline through some sort of membership (frequent flyers for example) were doubly as active than unassociated users.  This insight brings me to my suggestion for SNS strategy for BAC:

"Create a group/club/community that provides exclusive deals, content or promotions only to its' members."

This could be achieved through something as simple as a Fan Page on Facebook, a follow on Twitter, or as involved as a VIP membership to the airport itself, similar to that of a frequent flyer rewards program where users are awarded points based on their interactions with the airport both physically and online. 

Simpliflying went on to say that consumers are interacting largely pre and during travel, with the majority of airlines receiving the highest levels of traffic through Facebook. This is also the same platform that the travel companies believed they were monitoring successfully, with higher levels of analytics provided than other platforms.  The three key areas these platforms are being used for are as follows: 

  • Customer service
  • Marketing 
  • Corporate Communication

With this in mind, i believe a similar strategy for BAC would be successful. Targeting consumers pre arrival and while in the airport; on a platform that they are already familiar with, that allows open API data monitoring, and is free to use, are all valuable points to increase and measure engagement with the company. 

Socially influenced viral distribution

Sounds fancy, pretty much means 'how are we going to get people to share this?" From a creative perspective, KLM does a good job of utilising Facebook and LinkedIn with their "Meet and Seat" feature that allows people to tee up with likeminded people pre flight. 

By using these platforms' open API, they have created an app that facilitates connections and build real relationships, making for a more enjoyable flying experience. 

Melbourne Airport is another example that has used SNS to increase the referral levels of their business.  Through the use of their Twitter account, they provide followers with deal exclusive to their followers. This works to increase sales and viewership as followers share these exclusive deals with friends.  

Essentially, the goal of using these platforms is to gain the greatest level of exposure for the cheapest possible outlay. By offering consumers some special deals, access to unique content, or providing an interesting and new way to interact with your brand, you are helping to create a positive experience for your consumers which they are more likely to pass on. Word of mouth marketing at its' best!

To my classmates, Thanks for reading this semester, it has been great working with you!



Thursday, 4 October 2012

Behind the Scenes - A Wiki Strategy for BNE

The successful roll-out of an easy to use collaborative system within an organisation can work to  improve staff productivity and other facets of the company including staff engagement and knowledge. A Wiki is a perfect tool to fill this E2 void in any business. 

A Wiki can provide access for all staff members to areas such as:

  • People expertise 
  • Expertise in processes- previous troubleshoots, training updates
  • Documents and resources–Make hidden data shared to drive collective intelligence
  • Enhanced search–Quickly provide relevant resources for the individual
  • Essential information such as rosters/meetings/calendars 

The ability to streamline information and expertise provides great opportunity for an organisation to get the most out of their staff, however there are always problems associated with implementing collaborative tools. Some disadvantages users found when using wikis consisted of the following:

  • Spam 
  • Inappropriate and incorrect language and content
  • anyone being able to edit content
  • Info displayed in an illogical manner
Although these are real issues, a few simple strategies such as making sure the 'rules of conduct' are monitored and enforced, as well as appointing a wiki 'champion' to observe participation and help other employees contribute can work to iron out the inevitable bugs that will occur.  

Wikis and Brisbane Airport

As discussed in my previous post, Flight Centre has successfully implemented a Wiki into their IT collaboration architecture. This has worked effectively to connect geographically dispersed employees and encourages faster innovation by being a working source for troubleshoots and previously encountered issues. 

In the context of our case study, Brisbane Airport could utilize a wiki in order to improve:
  • HR procedures- Rosters, leave requests, 
  • Communication with outside providers and contractors- Specific How to guides for individual businesses accessing the airport (i.e where to get a security pass). 
  • Staff Training- Both direct airport employees and other. The airport could use the space for initiation procedures, with management able to streamline the process through the collaborative tool. 
  • Back of house procedures- the space could be used to refine work practices. Monitored by management to insure uniform adoption of any changes. 
  • B2B customer service- a place for outside providers to voice their opinions/ideas about interactions with the airport. 
  • Union information- meetings, issues etc.

If there is efficient systems in place with easy access to information about procedures, the airport will experience greater productivity from a generally happier, empowered staff. This leads to a higher long term ROI as it could reduce overtime, minimize staff numbers, and decrease staff turnover, not to mention the knock on effects it could have for interaction with the public in terms of customer service. 

Can you think of any other ways the airport could benefit through the use of a wiki? Do you have experience using a Wiki within an organisation? If so, i would love to hear your thoughts on my strategy and how it compares. 

Thanks for reading!  
